Taylor DanceTap
Taylor DanceTap (ISTD)
Tap is a fantastic way for students to develop rhythm, coordination and timing as well as allowing them to make music with their feet.
Classes for school-age children: ISTD Primary and up
We begin to teach tap at age 7 (Primary 3). Experience has taught us that children of this age have achieved a sufficient level of coordination and motor skills to make learning tap rewarding and fun. Early focus is on learning basic steps and beats through rhythmical games and technical exercises. As students progress through the grades, they are taught how to link steps and beats to enable them to perform more detailed and complex rhythms with their feet more quickly. They also learn about performance style, musicality and presentation.
Tap for boys
Boys are welcome to study tap with us at all levels and will be taught in mixed classes.
Tap Examinations
Students are encouraged to take their Imperial Society of Teachers of Dancing (ISTD) tap examinations when they have reached the required standard. Whilst not compulsory, we encourage students to enter for exams to mark their achievement and build their confidence.